Simple ways to reduce your toxic load and why it’s important

The start of the year is a great time to circle back to optimising our health and supporting our bodies especially if we celebrated a little too hard over the festive season.

So let’s throwback to our ‘Detoxing Naturally” blog in case you missed it.

Our body has its own natural detoxification process which involves several body systems all working optimally together synergistically.

However, if any of these body systems become overwhelmed, they can become sluggish, affect the other systems ability to detox efficiently and potentially create some unwanted side effects such as fatigue and headaches.

The main centres for detoxification are of course the liver, kidneys, skin, lungs, and lymphatic system.

In the above blog we discussed ways to support these major organs of elimination such as drinking lots of filtered water, eating lots of cruciferous vegetables, and dry body brushing.

In this article we have some tips on how to further reduce the toxic exposures in your immediate environment so to not further burden these pathways. The other reason its important to note is because some of the chemicals we are exposed to can mimic our natural hormones and therefore disrupt the endocrine system as mentioned in our previous article “Natural Ways to Support Hormone Harmony”.

They can also affect thyroid function, fertility, and more. It can be hard to control all toxic exposures especially those outside, therefore the focus needs to be what you can control which is your immediate environment inside the home.

Our tips on how to reduce your toxic load:

  • Avoid storing for your food or purchasing products and produce in plastic
  • Slowly swap out all your skin care and body care with a toxin free product
  • Replace your household cleaning products with natural products or make your own
  • Ditch the non-stick cookware and replace with ceramic or stainless steel
  • Swap the bleached baking paper for non-bleached
  • Make sure you have a carbon filter water jug or tap filter to remove heavy metals and halogens from your drinking water
  • Opt for organic when it comes to certain fruit and veggies, and when choosing animal products.
  • Ensure your home is mould free and maintain a healthy level of humidity (anything under 60% is ideal)
  • Make sure you stay on top of any dust in the house. An air purifier is always a good investment too
  • Installing induction cooking rather than gas cooking in the home
  • Choose loose leaf teas or if you like tea bags make sure they are non-bleached and compostable like Little Wilding Co.


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